Monday 28 April 2014

Goodbye blogger

Im leaving you for wordpress, dont take it personally

Sunday 27 April 2014

Altruism and inequality

The trouble comes from applying standards to anything.

Causation is often out of sight but can have very damaging effects.

Take Coke or fast food, both have a large negative impact on health if they are abused. We trust people to deal responsibly with dangers.

Problems arise as most corporations have little interests other than making money. Good deeds may sometimes align, sometimes.

Both Coca Cola and McDonalds heavily lobby the govt not to impose restrictions on sugar and fatty food.

As long as companies main focus is to put money into shareholders hands, the mass populace will be at a disadvantage.

The rich and powerful will continue to exert dominance over us.

Thomas Piketty's book 'Capital' is well worth reading, it is certainly making a big impact. The premise is how capital has risen above growth for over 200 years leading to the vast inequality we see in the western world.

Corporations are the most common manifestation of this. They should be taxed to westchester and back.

Then, maybe, they will not pursue goals to the detriment of the public.