Tuesday 18 March 2014

Smart watches - a move towards the seamless integration of technology?

Today Google announced Android Wear. A further move into the wearable tech world from the tech giants. Android has become the leading phone software and is now Google is going to apply it to a range of smart watches from numerous countries and presumably also under the google name.

Smart watches are an emerging area of technology but have not become ubiquitous in the same smartphones and tablets have. One possible reason is that they are supplementary devices, aimed at working together with a smartphone instead of having their own unique function. There is the added issue of watches being a fashion item, often more so that for their actual function of time keeping.

This year could see smart watches achieve mainstream success, with the Google announcement showing their intentions are serious. Apple has been widely reported to be developing its own device, presumably called iwatch or maybe an even more definitive itime? As with many other areas of technology where they have been the tipping point, Apple could take it and deliver it to the masses in a stylish and accessible manner. An ‘iwatch’ would certainly be a desirable device and with Jonny Ives’ grubby mitts all over will surely look great, countering the issue faced by many devices so far.

The emerging fitness wearables market could prove to be a major avenue.The Nike Fuelband has been very successful with its simple yet elegant design and social media integration. Samsung has demonstrated it is keen to move towards fitness with its announcement of the new Galaxy S5 which has a slew of health monitors and apps included.

The announcement from Google showed the software heavily relying on its Google Now service, which acts like a personal assistant - pulling information from emails, apps and net to offer helpful nudges and information. Moving forward mobile operating systems will move increasingly towards such intuitive methods, but currently require more data and development to be truly useful.

Adding yet another ‘smart’ device may be an area for concern for those who are worried bout kids being constantly plugged in and people who are wary of the amount of data being given to companies like Google. Whether or not the present day has developed into a the future as foreseen by George Orwell in 1984 certainly an issue, however smart watches and other wearables are unlikely to be the straw that broke the camels back. The camel has already been well and truly loaded up with straw and the vertebra are certainly creaking.

Google are also rumoured to be releasing their much vaunted, and criticised, Glass wearables. Futuristic tech goggles linking people to the Google ecosystem. Both Glass and smart watches may actually help to become less entranced in a  4’’ slab of plastic and glass that holds many keys but few answers. By utilising the supplementary Google Now devices will be able to simply alert users to info or issues when they arise, alleviating the constant checking and watching of the present day. Such a move could enable users to focus more on issues at hand and be prompted when needed.

The march of technology will not stop any time soon. There seems to be genuine worry throughout society of the impact it has had and will continue to have. I somehow doubt that Amish sects and a Federation for The Establishment of Nature Folk will emerge with regularity any time soon.

The integration of technology into our personal lives and its continued permeation throughout society are inevitable. Finding methods of enabling technology to guide and help should be welcomed as the best possible route forward.